Our all-inclusive bundles provide everything you need to protect your creative assets

Trademark Registration

Secure your brand's unique identity and gain peace of mind, knowing that you have a dedicated team of legal experts supporting your trademark needs.

Our comprehensive service package covers all aspects of trademark registration, including an in-depth trademark clearance search, expert guidance on trademark selection, filing trademark applications, and ongoing monitoring to safeguard against potential infringements.

Starting at $700 for local (Puerto Rico) and $800 for Federal (US) trademark services

    • One-on-one legal consultation

    • Thorough clearance search for conflicting marks in USPTO or PRTO database

    • Preparation and filing of trademark application in the USPTO or PRTO

    • Monitoring of conflicting applications and notice to client (Disclaimer: Does not include sending cease and desist letters or legal representation in Court or administrative forums)

    • Responding to non-substantive Office Actions

    • PRTO Filing Fees- $150 per class of goods or services to be registered

    • Publication Fees in the PRTO Local Gazette: $75 (to be paid when the mark is approved for publication)

    • USPTO Filing Fees- $250 per class of goods or services to be registered

    • Prosecution and enforcement of conflicting applications.

    • Responding to substantive Office Actions

Copyright Registration

Our copyright services offer comprehensive solutions designed to safeguard and maximize the value of your intellectual property

The IP Boutique provides expert consultation on copyright registration, tailored legal advice on copyright protection strategies, and professional assistance in drafting, filing, and managing copyright applications. Whether you're an artist, author, musician, or business owner, this bundle ensures your creative works are legally protected and that you can confidently navigate the complex landscape of intellectual property rights. If you need to register multiple songs, an entire music album, collection of photographs, group of literary works, among other compilations of your original work, then our bulk registration service bundle is the way to go.

Starting at $350 for registration of a single work and $1,000 for a group of 10 works

    • One-on-one legal consultation

    • Preparation and filing of registration application

    • U.S. Copyright Office filing fees (filing fees depend on the type of work to be registered)

Entity Formation & Legal support

It all begins with an idea. The IP Boutique is equipped to help with everything you need to hit the ground running and start conducting your business in full compliance with the law.

We will advise you on the corporate structure that’s right for your business venture, take care of incorporating your business with the Puerto Rico Department of State, obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), registering a business account in the Department of Treasury through the SURI platform, preparing your entity’s Operating Agreement or Bylaws, and advise you on all the required government permits for your business operation. 

Just $750 for our premium package

    • Certificate of Formation

    • Articles of Organization

    • EIN Certificate

    • Merchant Registration

    • Operating Agreement or Bylaws

    • Government Filing Fees

    • Permit of Use

    • Municipal Patent

Our Process

  • Our journey begins with a consultation. We believe in understanding your specific needs before we dive in. During our discovery call, our expert team will assess your situation, goals, and expectations. This helps us customize a service plan that is tailored to your exact specifications.

  • After designing a service bundle that’s tailored to your needs, we will provide a final proposal for your review and approval. This document outlines the services included and the total cost of your service bundle after calculating the corresponding filing fees that are applicable to your specific case.

    We believe in transparent pricing, ensuring you know exactly what you're getting.

  • Once our engagement proposal is approved, we swing into action. Our team will get to work on your service bundle right away, ensuring that all components are delivered to you seamlessly and in a timely fashion.